EVP’s Explained
What is an “EVP” and how do you get one? What do you use to get an EVP, can anyone get one? Are there different types of EVP’s, or are all of them the same? What will an EVP sound like? These are some of the questions we get asked from time to time and will attempt to answer here.
What is an EVP: EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomenon. An EVP is a mysterious event in which a voice is heard on a recording from an unknown source.
How do you get an EVP: EVP’s can be captured on any audio or even a video recorder, which records audio. Many ghost hunters will use digital recorders, however some prefer to use the older tape recorders, though many good EVP’s have been captured on video cameras, with the sound capturing the EVP.
Can you hear EVP’s without a recorder: Sometimes! There are times when the EVP is heard without a recording device, but many times it’s only heard when the recording is played back.
Are all EVP’s the same: No there are different classes of EVP’s, which basically is the quality of the “voice” itself. The 3 types are:
- Class A – Class A voices can be heard and understood over a speaker by most people. Just because a voice is loud does not mean it is a Class A recording. Recordings of this type must be capable of being understood by most people.
- Class B – Class B voices can be heard over a speaker but not everyone will agree about what was said. Most EVP recordings fall into Class B.
- Class C – Class C voices can only be heard with headphones and are usually difficult to understand. Note: Class B or C voices can have one or two clearly understood words.
What will an EVP sound like: Many times it’s not a regular voice, or even really all that loud. Most of the time the EVP will be a faint voice, such as a whisper.
In closing please understand that it is normal to feel frustrated when you can’t understand what’s being said on an EVP recording. Not all EVP’s can be understood and there will always be some that will remain a mystery, even though you know something is there. It’s not uncommon to disagree with what’s being said.